Who would like to have bugs in their house? The pest does a lot of harm to your household. You may often find tiny bugs that look like bed bugs on your sofa or bed. To identify the difference between the two insects- bugs and bug-alike. You have to learn some individual aspects of both of them.
Usually, when the bedbugs are fully grown up, they appear as reddish-brown. The body of the insects is long and has an oval shape. If you compare the body size and shape of the insect, it almost looks like an apple seed. Some of the bed bugs look brown that may take the shape of a tiny brown balloon. These bedbugs are equally threatening as the leeches as they fed on blood.
Due to the similar body color and shape, most of you do the wrong identification of these bed bugs and get confused with the bugs that look like bed bugs.
Bugs are terrible, but not more than the other pests. They can harm you along with your household in several ways. Here is of its few harmful characteristics-
Here, you will get to know some simple techniques of recognizing the bed bugs like bugs in your home –
The first that comes in the list is the booklice. Unlike the reddish-brown body color of the bedbugs, it has a creamy or pale brown color on its body. Coming to the difference in shape, bedbugs have a body of oval shape. But, the body shape of the booklice is segmented. It means they have a separate head and a body. You can even identify this specific insect by their body size.
The booklice body size remains between 1 inch and ¼ inch in length.
The region place of both the bugs are the same, both of them can be seen in a different part of the world. The harmful nature of the bedbugs is more severe than the booklice. While bedbugs bite, booklice never bite. They feed on grain, fungi, mold, etc. though they do not spread disease or destroy furniture. Their presence in a large number in your house can be irritating.
The most specific difference between the two insects is its body color. As you already know that the bed bugs are reddish-brown or mahogany in color, the bat bugs look light brown or beige. The similarity in their oval body shape can tend you top confuse both, but their color has much difference.
Talking about their place of availability, unlike bed bugs, bat bugs are seen only in the United States. Both the bugs fed on blood, but, bed bugs target human beings. On the other hand, bat bugs feed only on the blood of bats. Differentiating both the bugs can a little hard, but, a close view in their body can make you able to guess the difference. Bat bugs are mostly seen in those specific areas where there are bat colonies.
Carpet beetles are other bugs that look like bed bugs, both of them have a similar oval body shape. The easiest way to tell the difference between them is by their body color. Carpet beetles have a black body with white patterns in them; they even have red or orangish scales in their bodies. Both creatures are commonly found in the household. Carpet beetles mainly feed on stuff that is made with silk, fur, wool, leather, skin, etc.
Though they are not blood-sucking, they can live on hair lint, etc. The places where the carpet beetles are found are somewhat similar to the bed bugs. You can find them in the mattress, inside the ducts and the floor vents, etc.
Spider beetles come in several body colors; few of them match the color with the bed bugs. Usually, you can find the spider beetles ranging in colors like pale brown, brownish yellow, reddish-brown and even in black. The reddish-brown ones are exact in color like the bed bugs. One other reason behind the similarity of both the insects is the oval shape of their body.
But, the spider beetles have a hump in their back which is unlike the apple seed shape of the bed bugs.
As the bed bugs, the spider beetles are not even that harmful. The later mainly feed themselves on food grains. Again, the two insects are found in the same locations such as crevices and cracks.
Cockroach nymphs come in the first place of bed bugs. Due to its reddish-brown and kind of oval-shaped body, people often mistake it as the bed bugs. But, when you look closer, you will notice that the nymphs are more likely to have a cylindrical body shape.
Similar to the bed bugs, they hide in the cracks or holes in the house. Nymphs might not suck your blood; nevertheless, cockroach infestation may lead you to a serious asthmatic condition.
Though it is a bug or bed bug, do not leave them in your house to increase their numbers. These kinds of insects harm both your health and your household. If you are unable to clear the infestation alone, call for the help of 24H Pest Pros. We have all the solutions to your problem regarding pest infestation and serve you with high-quality treatment. Without wasting any time, seek their help to get a bug-free home.