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What Does Squirrel Poop Look Like? Identify Squirrel Droppings

what does squirrel poop look like

You may be asking yourself, what does squirrel poop look like? And more importantly, is it dangerous to have around your home?

Squirrel feces are long and tubular, similar in shape to a mouse turd. However, they are usually slightly larger than mouse droppings and have blunt ends.

In this post, we'll discuss the appearance of squirrel droppings, as well as how to identify and dispose of them safely. Keep reading for all the details!

What Does Squirrel Poop Look Like?

squirrel poop

The shape of the squirrel feces and rats is similar. The drop is generally dark brown and smooth, although many people confuse squirrels and rats poop.

The squirrels can easily be identified by looking closely at the poop on their paws. The squirrel poop is brown in colour due to its herbivory nature.

Their drops are usually bigger than this rodent and are rounded barrel-shaped. Because these conditions are very favorable squirrels will drop onto the ground in an equal way.

One way to know for sure that you have a pest problem is if you find squirrel droppings.

As previously stated, squirrels are discreet about their pooping.

Is squirrel poop dangerous?

Similar to the waste of most species, squirrels' urine feces may cause human health problems as it contains numerous pathogenic microbes.

But humans may not encounter any squirrel poo. But if it does occur, this would impact severely young and older people.

Salmonella has been identified as being transmitted through contact with squirrels' accumulated droppings or urine.

These symptoms may include respiratory disease, nausea, fever, abdominal cramps, and diarrhea. Make sure to use disinfectant after getting read of their excrement.

See Also: Squirrels vs Chipmunks: What's the Difference

What Does Squirrel Poop Smell Like?

The feces of squirrels often smells incredibly strong and pungent because it is mixed with their urine, which gives off an ammonia-like smell.

Rat poop vs Squirrel poop: What's the Difference

rat poop vs squirrel poop

The most distinguishing features between squirrel and rat poop are shape and size.

Squirrel poop usually is cylindrical, whereas rat feces can have rectangular shapes.

These pests waste usually has small ridges that run along their sides. squirrel poop is generally more uniform.

Squirrel poop is slightly bigger than other rodent droppings; if you have evidence of rat droppings you are likely to see multiple of them around the area.

The rattle of a rattle in the basement or the chewing noise on the wall can be indicative of two or four animals living inside the room.

Rats breed very rapidly and this group grows fairly quickly.

Baby Squirrel Droppings

baby squirrel droppings

Baby squirrels have softer and smaller droppings when compared to adult ones. This is due to their diet which generally consists of mother's milk and insects.

As they start weaning off, the poop gradually becomes larger and harder. At this point, it starts to resemble adult squirrel poop.

The difference in size is the only way to distinguish between baby and adult squirrel poop.

How to Clean Squirrel Droppings – Step-by-Step Instructions

Squirrell dropping scurries toxins can cause serious health complications. The cleaning procedure may be incredibly tedious but it is important to take all precautions to prevent infections.

Some pathogens can be taken in a vacuum and must be cleaned in the best possible way.

It seems reasonable to expel wildlife during an eviction before cleaning.


The final step is to spray the area with a latex kill stain to avoid the spread of odor. This is very important if your HVAC systems have been exposed in your attic, which can rapidly spread odour across your home.

Animal droppings and pheromones cannot be easily removed from insulation. The technician is able to disinfect the room safely and handle any repairs that might need fixing.

The experts seal your residence using galvanized steel mesh for permanent wildlife protection.

Repair Damage

The damage may require repairs. Squirrel urine or sweat can easily ruin attic insulation. The squirrel pheromone might be embedded in your insulation.

These pheromones are collected for up to one kilometer, indicating to wildlife that this is an ideal place for their breeding.

You could soon find wildlife trying to enter your property and damaging your property even if you have squirrel proofing.


Pour plain water into an ointment bottle and spray over the feces. This means that particles cannot pass through your air when cleaning.

Take out the small pieces and pack them in a plastic box. Use vacuum cleaners with strong suction for removing all that poop. Clean everything properly.


It is possible to remove dead skin cells by washing the areas thoroughly. Use a water hose to disinfect. It's vitally necessary to kill bacterial residue left by animals.


Wear gloves as a precaution. Ensure ventilation in all rooms by opening all windows on each side.

Read Also: Gophers vs. Groundhogs: What's the Difference?

How To Prevent Squirrels from Getting Into Your Home


Are squirrels wreaking havoc in your home? Do you have a squirrel infestation? If so, then you're not alone.

Fortunately, there are a few simple things you can do to prevent them from getting into your home in the first place.

  • Trim trees and shrubs around your property so they are at least six feet away from the house.
  • Repair any cracks or holes in the foundation, roof, or exterior walls.
  • Install chimney caps or screens.
  • Keep food in airtight containers and dispose of garbage regularly.
  • Seal any openings to your attic, basement, or crawl space.
  • Use wire mesh to seal off vents and other potential entryways.

By following these tips, you can help prevent squirrels and other animals from getting into your home. If you have a problem with squirrels or any.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do squirrels poop?

They will never defecate or pee in their burrow or nest. They usually excrete feces or pee from a tree or within a hollow.

Squirrels typically poop anywhere they consider safe or where there is potential food, including near bird feeders and under cars.

How big is squirrel poop?

Squirrel droppings are about 1/8 inch to ½ inch and can be up to 3/8 inches long.

The diet of a squirrel is quite limited, so their poop typically doesn't change much in colour over time.

What size are squirrel droppings?

The droppings of squirrels are roughly as big as jellybeans and a few centimeters in length.

They are usually scattered when the rodent runs around and easily blend into the soil by having a lighter brown hue.

In their natural habitat, squirrels use hollow holes in tree branches to the toilet in the trees.


So there you have it, everything you need to know about what squirrel poop looks like. Squirrel droppings are small, brown, and jellybean-shaped.

They are usually found in areas where the squirrel feels safe or where there is potential food.

If you have a problem with squirrels in your home, be sure to follow the tips above to help prevent them from getting in. Thanks for reading!

About The Author:

Meet Mark Calhoun, a seasoned pest control expert in the realm our pest control company. With over 10 years of dedicated experience and Managing Editor. His primary mission is to furnish you with precise and invaluable DIY insights, ensuring your home remains pest-free while aiding you in distinguishing various household pests.
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