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How to Get Rid of Bees Without Killing Them: 5 Best Methods

how to get rid of bees without killing them

Bees are an essential part of our environment. They pollinate plants and flowers, which in turn produce food for us!

If many bees come in significant numbers, they will be bothersome. Some people will be uncomfortable in their surroundings because they sound buzzing a lot and hurts so much.

Therefore it's worth knowing ways to control bees when you don't need them around you.

If you have a bee infestation on your property, there are many ways to get rid of them without killing them.

In this article, we will discuss the five different methods of how to get rid of bees without killing them.

Establish the problem

What could be happening is the bees formed a nest. You can test with the bees to know where that nest is.

If you notice lots of bees moving into a hole in the ground or wall, this indicates a nest. We advise that you be very careful as disturbance and noise can damage the bees.

How can I identify different types of bees?

There are four main types of bees, including bumblebees, honey carpenters, and ground bees.

Each carries unique features you will see here. Its characteristics allow different kinds or classes of bees to kill different populations as they feces.


bumble bees

Their large bodies make these bees the finest pollinators. They use their massive-sized bodies to vibrate on flowers, thus releasing pollen. These bees naturally have less honey produced than honeybees are known in this species.

But despite all these factors, you will need them around you if you want better pollination than honey. Their heads are hairy and often build hives in dry sites like park areas, usually dry in dry places like parks.

They were hairy with massive bodies ranging from four to eight centimeters and are often present in dry places such as beehives.


honey bee

Honeybees are the mainstay of farmer breeding because of their vast honey production. Without honey bees, we would have no honey.

The honeybee's main characteristic is that they don't move too much. They rarely move beyond ten hundred ft of their nesting place.

Honeybees have a small body diameter, and once they bite you, they die. They also die because they lose the stinging substance attached to you when they are stinging.

Honey bees, although they are lovely and aid in the pollination of our food, may be a problem when they establish residence in our houses.

Carpenter Bees

carpenter bees

Carpenter bees are called detrimental because they disfigure wood to provide habitat for themselves. They appear yellow and black, and their appearances are similar to bumblebees.

Some species show dark blue colours; some have yellow or black colours. They typically make a nest within the forest to create a habitat to survive the rough winters and.

Ground Bees

ground bees

Ground bees are less harmful than other sorts of bees. Typically they don't sting or go through intense pressure.

If you have this bee on your property, you can let it alone because it will not harm anyone. The bees are easily identified by their mounds in the ground.

Getting Rid of Bees Without Killing Them

It's critical to get rid of a colony without harming the bees. However, because honey bee populations are declining worldwide, it is the most moral choice.

So here's what you need to do to get those bugs out of your house and send them somewhere else more suitable.

Create a bee trap

A two-piece homemade nesting place can be crafted from two bottles of bees. Fresh hives are placed into one container to lure insects into the container that are easy to enter. The best will be artificial nectar because this is their natural source of food.

Another option is cane sugar or corn syrup mixed with water if you want to kill bees, put in some solutions to make drowning difficult.

But if you prefer to trap them and release them to a different spot so that they can continue to pollinate, add smaller quantities of the nectar inside to keep them away from the traps. The trap makes it easy to do yourself.

Install an electric bug zapper

PestNot Bug Zapper provides more than 2000 electrical currents to kill bees naturally. Despite this high voltage, the system is surprisingly reliable at the expense of electricity. It appears like a lamp emitting a blue glow causing the insect in an inch x meter radius to appear.

Best suited at night in an adjacent beehive. Be sure to observe to remove dead bees or pollen. The discarded insects drop to the ground or at the base.

This creates a much safer clean-up environment. The waterproof head provides waterproofing during the rainy seasons. It is effective on various insects, including the bees, and it is effective at night.

Soap and water

In essence, soapy water is good as it forms wax-like wax between the bees and in the bees. This impairs the bee's ability to travel through the air and cuts off the air supplies.

A suitable soapy solution is made by adding at least 10Ml of dish washable soap to a water bowl.

The bee sting should not even be considered if you have asthma depending on your situation. It is better to invest in a beekeeper's uniform if you try this approach.

Be aware of the risks of removing the wild animal before using any chemicals to get rid of all bees. The key was keeping it as frothy and bubbly as possible.

Light a citronella candle

Citronella - Candles can be found in departmental stores and candle store locations. All of them will repel all pests, including wraps was pants mosquitos and flies like the bee!

Place a citronella candle near the hive and light it at night. It is the right time for it as most bees are home.

You hear good and pleasing sounds at night. If it's your idea to keep the bees from you but allow them to pollinate in full freedom, then this's one of the best options.

For bigger pest infestations you might need something stronger. For heavier infestations, it may be time for a stronger beekeeper candle.

Use a bee spray

PT Wasp Freeze II is an insecticide that kills when injected. Place yourself at a vantage point 15 feet away from your hive start spraying. It is best to do it at night when the majority of bees are present in the hive.

Remember that bee spray is required to get rid of bees so you have to be on the territory of the colonies to use it. Chemicals use to get rid of bees nest and then fall on them.

Paralysis is immediate and the bodies are dead in minutes. It exists in a shower instead of a stream and covers a larger area. It's a good bee repellent for use only in a backyard/garden room outdoors.

Use an ultrasonic pest repellent

Ultra-sonic pest removal system Neatmaster is designed to take advantage of the insect's sensitivity to sound when nest removal is performed.

Consequently, there are three modes of sound: electromagnetic waves, bionic waves, and ultrasound waves.

The first two are invisible to the human ear and make it easy to remove honey bees. This third setting is best for severe infestations.

It can be heard by humans. Do not leave your dogs alone while they are sleeping unless they hear it. You will need 1 per room should there be a bee infestation inside if you have escaped.

Use a powder dust

Bayer Tempo Dust is an insecticide powder that is now one of the best bee killer sprays currently on the market. Simply place the bulb inside the hive or nest and squeeze to get the powder.

Most bees are asleep by night. It is an entirely water-repellent insecticide and is used in kitchen and laboratory facilities with sterile water to prevent the emergence of bacteria.

As with almost all pesticides avoiding inhaling and contact with skin are essential. Remove excess water that falls out of the holes in the floor and touches surfaces where pet people can get to.

Water your lawn frequently

You're going to recognize your bees by seeing their small holes in the garden soil. Bees prefer dry soils mainly as they will easily burrow into them.

Your lawn will be deemed unfavorable to ground bees by regularly washing it twice / day. But if you're allergic to bee stings it is always better to be more cautious and take them away.

Additional soil cover makes it hard for bees to burrow in and makes it harder for them to dig into dry soil.

Moist soil could bury larvae and produce a fertile environment for bacteria and viruses. It also supports plants' growth.

Use cinnamon for relocation

Cinnamon makes a stench that bees can't handle. If the nest smells of cinnamon they tend to stay elsewhere. You can spread ground cinnamon next to or at their hive.

When you put some powder in your hands there is beetle growth. The problems might not seem immediate but with good luck, you can kill some bees naturally. It's also an easy means to get rid of bees.

A jar of Cinnamon oil in a cup of baby shampoo can effectively kill bees, for example, in a bee protection product. It would usually bring us beehives out.

Use vinegar

The absence of no evidence from the literature regarding its use in controlling bees pity on the vinegar trade. It is also believed to smell foul, interfere in his respiratory functions and lead to suffocation.

There are several methods with which vinegar may be used for bee protection. Note that this all-natural solution may not be as useful as another method if the infestation is heavy.

The method of vinegar spraying requires proper protection. To prevent the bees from breeding you better go for invasive treatment.

Use garlic spray

'It's easy to kill, and it's easy enough to do everything you need with the kitchen. To make strong repellent using garlic you want two heads of garlic and half a cup of just-boiled water.

You can serve the mixture with a thin layer of chilies or hot sauce to get rid of bees. Add some dishwashing liquid which helps the nesting birds and larvae to survive.

Spray the mixture on flower plants to remove the colony's food source. You could spray it directly onto the hive if you've got protective equipment. If the safety gear is not available you might want protection.

Use mothballs

Mothballs are usually a substance that is actually insecticide balls. Naphthalene drives beets from home to the ground and kills them.

Another relatively safer solution would be the paradichlorobenzene which repels bees but kills them in very little quantities.

The more of it you take, the stronger the smell and also makes the risk of adverse effects. If there were any bugs at the house then put them in old stockings or wraps in cheesecloth.

Use a string at the beehives. Check to see if kids or pets are going anywhere near the home.

Plant bee repelling plants

Cucumbers have acid-porous peels which remove bees and wasps. Pennyroyal neem mint cloves, oak bark, and citronella, a natural bee repellent, contain a pungent smell.

They repel insects by deterring them. Pitcher plants are excellent natural bee exterminators.

Red germaniums and Red Marigold are some of the few bee-repellent plants that produce flowers. Leave plants with green leaves so that bees don't have nectar, to obtain nectar.

You may also want to remove and position bee-resistant plants on your property.

Burn Wood Cardboard or Paper Under the Beehive

Beekeepers generally use smoke when they want to pick honey out of beehives. It's possible the bees think that trees are burning. They then try to get their honey and find a different place to construct a nest.

This method is only appropriate for nests that occur in backyards. After starting smoke, you should close your windows doors and windows so that bees can't enter your home.

Once bees left the nest, the bees are removed, and any honey residue is removed. It stops bees from returning. If you smoke during the night during the evening, the honey bees are in a hive.

Call a Beekeeper

Local beekeepers or professional beehive removers can remove the hive safely and securely. All of the specialists in the industry tend to be thrilled to handle the solitary hive and care for the bees and most of all, keep them alive.

Removing a colony of over 1,000 stinging bees takes some time and can be pretty painful. We won't recommend you try moving to another nest.

If the hive is pretty small, you may wish to try the below methods before hiring a pest control professional not knowing anyone there.


You'll need protective equipment if you plan on spraying the hive directly with a mixture containing dishwashing liquid and hot sauce. If not, try burning wood or paper under the beehive for an hour before closing your windows and doors.

The smoke should force the swarm away from your property so that they can't return after picking up any remaining honey in their hives.

No matter what method you choose to get rid of bees or use a bee removal service, make sure to contact a professional beekeeper before trying anything else!


Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get rid of a beehive from my compound?

Some methods are natural while others are not. You can be sure about the final result you want before applying the technique.

Do you want the bees out of existence forever? Find the best technique for you choose a method of getting rid of bees.

Can bees be removed without killing them?

If you have unwelcome bees around your home you could contact a beekeeper who could help you kill them without killing bees.

You could not remove the bees on yourself if you're now a beekeeper! Most beekeepers will work with honey bees but not the wasp and hornet species set.

How do you get rid of bees humanely?

There are a few ways to remove bees without killing them. One way is to use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up, or trap them in a jar and release them outside.

You could also try spritzing with water or using lemon wedges to keep the swarm away.

What plants repel bees?

Here are some of the various plants that may be used to keep bees and wasps away from your garden or home.

    1. Cucumber
    2. Basil
    3. Marigolds
    4. Geraniums
    5. Mint
    6. Eucalyptus
    7. Wormwood
    8. Pennyroyal

What is the best natural way to get rid of bees?

Use equal amounts of vinegar and liquid and pour into bottles and spray diluted ingredients into your water.

Apply the mixture to the nest at night but wear protective clothing and watch out for angry bees. This mixture is lethal for bees and this procedure may have to be repeated to remove the whole swarm.

What scent keeps bees away?

Bees are deterred by strong scents such as vinegar, lemon, eucalyptus oil, peppermint, and lavender.

You can use these essential oils in a mixture with water and spray around the areas where you don't want the bees to nest or hang out. Try using a combination of different smells to keep the bees guessing.

About The Author:

Meet Mark Calhoun, a seasoned pest control expert in the realm our pest control company. With over 10 years of dedicated experience and Managing Editor. His primary mission is to furnish you with precise and invaluable DIY insights, ensuring your home remains pest-free while aiding you in distinguishing various household pests.
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