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Do Termites Bite Humans? Symptoms, Treatments, and Removal

do termites bite humans

Termites are small insects that live in colonies underground. Although termites don't usually bite humans, they can if they feel threatened.

While you may have an infestation of termites in your home, they don't seek out humans or other living creatures like parasites, which feed from blood.

Most people don't realize that termites can also bite humans. In this guide, we'll discuss everything you need to know about "do termites bite humans?", including symptoms and treatment options.

Do Termites Bite Humans?

termite bite

As we mentioned earlier, termites don't usually bite humans. However, there are some exceptions to this rule. If a termite feels threatened, it may bite you in self-defense.

Even if you have termites in your house, they will not prey on humans or other living creatures. Termites feast on wood and cellulose-based materials, not people or blood.

If you are bitten by a termite, there are a few things you can do. The most important thing is to clean the wound and apply antibiotic ointment to prevent infection.

If you have a severe reaction to the bite, or if you experience any other symptoms, you should seek medical attention.

Termite Bites: Symptoms and Treatment

Most people who are bitten by termites do not experience any symptoms. However, some people may experience minor irritation or swelling at the site of the bite.

In rare cases, people may have a severe allergic reaction to termite bites. Symptoms of a severe allergic reaction include difficulty breathing, chest pain, and swelling of the face or throat.

If you experience any of these symptoms after being bitten by a termite, seek medical attention right away.

The best way to avoid getting bit by a termite is to get rid of an infestation as soon as possible. If you think you may have a termite infestation, contact a professional pest control company.

See Also: What Do Termite Droppings Look Like And What To Do?

What Does a Termite Bite Look Like?

Normally, a termite bite only leaves a tiny red bump; however, if you're allergic to their bites, then you will have a more difficult reaction.

Although it is rare, people with sensitive skin may experience swelling at the site of the injection.

Though it's not a common occurrence, this skin might itch a bit. The bump generally disappears within 1 to 3 days.

What are the Different Types of Termites?

There are three main types of termites:

  • Subterranean Termites
  • Formosan Termites
  • Dampwood termites

Subterranean Termites

Subterranean Termites

As their name suggests, subterranean termites live in the ground and build nests there. Subterranean termites tunnel through the wood from the bottom up; as they eat their way through the wood, they create tunnels called galleries.

Formosan Termites

formosan termites

Formosan termites also eat along the grain of the wood; however, since their nests are built underground, they don't produce pellets of feces as drywood termites do.

Formosan termites are an invasive species originally from Asia that has become well-established in the southeastern US; they're similar to subterranean termites in that they build their nests in the ground.

Dampwood termites

dampwood termites

Drywood termites live in dry wood (like dead trees) and don't need contact with the ground to survive.

Drywood termites eat along the grain of the wood; as they eat, they create pellets of feces that accumulate beneath their nests.

What are the Signs of Termite Infestation?

termite infestation

There are several signs that you may have a termite infestation:

  • Drywall that is deteriorating or has changed colors.
  • Paint that is peeling and resembles water damage.
  • Wood that gives a hollow sound when tapped.
  • Small holes in drywall, the size of a pinpoint.
  • Fixing warped or sagging wood or laminate floorboards.
  • Loose tiles can be a sign of termite damage, as they add moisture to your floor which weakens the adhesive.
  • Floorboards that produce too much noise.

Are Termite Bites Dangerous?

Termites bite if they're found on humans; they're harmless unless they're found. They are best able to inject small red bumps that could feel as little as a pinch.

Itching may last several days, even when it's rare. Termite bites are very rare in nature unless they show symptoms.

If your symptoms seem more severe, you may have been bit by an insect. So consult your doctor for any possible problems before you start a drug test.

Do Termites with Wings Bite People?

formosian winged termites

At certain times of the year, you may see what looks like flying ants around your home. These insects are actually termites that have developed wings to mate and create new colonies.

While they don't bite people, they can still pose a threat to your home if left unchecked. If you think you may have a termite problem, it's important to contact a pest control professional as soon as possible.

Read Also: How to Get Rid of Flying Termites

Do Termites Bite Pets?

If you've got termites in your home, you might be wondering if your pets are at risk. It's possible for termites to bite dogs, cats, and even humans, but it's very unlikely.

Termites are more interested in eating wood than anything else, so unless your pet is made of wood, they're probably not going to be on the menu.

Home Remedies That Can Be Used For Termite Bites

There are a few home remedies that can be used for termite bites:

  • Wash the area with soap and water.
  • Apply a cold compress to the area.
  • Take an antihistamine to help with itching.
  • Apply a topical steroid cream to the area.
  • If you're allergic to termites, you may need to see a doctor for a shot of epinephrine.

When Should You Call A Professional?

pest control specialists

If you think you have a termite problem, it's important to call a professional as soon as possible. Termites can cause a lot of damage to your home if left unchecked, so it's best to nip the problem in the bud before it gets out of hand.

A professional will be able to assess the situation and recommend a course of action to get rid of the termites for good. They may also be able to help you prevent future infestations.

Do you think you might have a termite problem? Contact 24h Pest Pros to learn more about pest control services! We're here to help you get rid of those pesky termites once and for all.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if a termite bites you?

The bite is rare and relatively mild due to size and bite abilities. If you bite an insect, you may develop an infection. Keep a close eye on the bite area - contact the doctor for fevers or when the bite area feels worse.

What does a termite bite feel like?

Tell me the best way to deal with pain when your hand is broken. Termite bites are harmless and do nothing to interfere with your usual routine unless they occur.

It often feels like an occasional pain and can look like small red bumps. It doesn't cause serious symptoms and usually disappears within one to three days.

Do termites get in your bed?

Although termites can be found in warm and more tropical conditions in states like California and Florida, they can damage wood furniture, such as beds, tables, and many others.

Dry wood termites are able to penetrate cracks in furniture and other almost invisible cracks and eat the wood.


Do termites bite humans? No, but they can cause some serious damage to your home if they're left unchecked.

If you think you've been bitten by a termite, it's important to seek medical attention right away as these bites can sometimes lead to serious infections.

Treatment for termite bites includes applying a cold compress to the affected area and taking over-the-counter antihistamines to reduce swelling and itching.

If you see any signs of a termite infestation on your property, give 24h Pest Pros a call right away.

We'll send one of our expert technicians out to inspect your home and recommend the best course of action. Don't wait until it's too late - act now!

About The Author:

Meet Mark Calhoun, a seasoned pest control expert in the realm our pest control company. With over 10 years of dedicated experience and Managing Editor. His primary mission is to furnish you with precise and invaluable DIY insights, ensuring your home remains pest-free while aiding you in distinguishing various household pests.
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