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What are Earwigs?

Earwigs are small insects, often found in gardens and fields. They have a pair of pincers at the end of their abdomen that they use to defend themselves against predators.

They have a flattened body that is made of soft, narrow segments and usually measure between 7–50 millimeters (0.28–1.97 in).

Their flat shape allows them to hide easily on soil or leaf litter. They are nocturnal animals, only come out at night to eat plants and other insects.

They have a long proboscis that they use for eating. It comes in handy when it is time to mate too!

The female earwig will lay her eggs on the ground or leaves, which then hatch into nymphs. They only live for a few weeks before becoming adults and laying eggs.

There are many different types of this insect, but there is not one type that is more common than any other.



Do you have Earwigs in your home or you are not sure? We can handle the identification and get you a solution to your problem quickly.

Earwigs Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are Earwigs dangerous?

No, they are not dangerous to humans. They can give people an itchy feeling if they have a lot of earwigs around their feet or on them but that is usually because the person has sensitive skin and may be allergic.

The earwig will also eat things like plants, leaves, and fruit which can be a nuisance for those who have gardens or want to grow tomatoes on their window sill.

They are considered pests for the reason that if appropriate conditions exist, they will migrate in large numbers. They are one of the most frustrating pests to get rid of.

Why do I have an Earwig problem?

Areas of dampness and decomposing organic materials are what draw earwigs to a property. Insects, rubbish, and decomposing organic materials are all sources of food for these insects.

They'll also chew through paper and cardboard and try to eat it.

They prefer premises with moisture issues since they are moisture-seeking pests. They frequently move indoors through spaces in the foundation or beneath doors if they have established a presence near your home.

Another way these bugs enter houses is through the broken or missing door or window screens.

Where will I find Earwigs?

They can be found in gardens, damp soil under mulch, dense vegetation, leaf heaps, and heavily wooded areas.

Earwigs are a problem that many people find living in their houses after they find their way inside looking for a cool, moist place to live.

They huddle around pipes, sinks, drains, and sump pumps. These insects are most commonly found in crawl spaces, restrooms, and basements.

How do I get rid of Earwigs?

If you want to get rid of earwigs, call 24h Pest Pros for professional help! These pests can cause a lot of damage to your plants, so it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible.

We provide fast service and guaranteed results so your garden is free from these pesky pests once again! Call us today for more information about our services!

How can I prevent Earwigs in the future?

Prevent earwig infestations by working with 24h Pest Pros and using the following prevention guidelines:

  • If you store your things in areas that are moist, it's better to store them in airtight plastic containers.
  • Before storing items outside, thoroughly inspect for earwigs and keep them out of your home.
  • Make sure your gutters are being maintained and directing rainwater away from the foundation of your home.
  • Trim back vegetation to give them less of a chance of invading your home.
  • Seal up cracks in your foundation, then install door sweeps on exterior doors.
  • Repair or replace any torn or otherwise damaged door, window, or screen sills.
  • Place covers over vents and drains to stop earwigs from using them to enter your home.
  • The easiest way to keep these insects out of the home is by lowering moisture levels. This can be done with a dehumidifier.
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