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Confused Flour Beetles

What are Confused Flour Beetles?

The confused flour beetle also called a darkling beetle or a flour beetle is an insect that often infests stored flour and grain.

They are a very destructive and common insect pest that can ruin grain, and other food products, as well as damage stored items in places such as warehouses, grocery stores, and homes.

These pests are often found in large groups and have a lifespan of greater than one year. The female will lay her eggs inside commonly-found kitchen ingredients, such as flour.

Confused flour beetles:

  • Have an oval-shaped body that is shiny, reddish-brown, and flattened.
  • Grow to approximately one-eighth of an inch.
  • Have antennae that broaden at the base of the head.
  • Cover the wings with stiff wing coverings
  • Never fly.
confused flour beetles


Do you have Confused Flour Beetles in your home or you are not sure? We can handle the identification and get you a solution to your problem quickly.

Confused Flour Beetles Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are confused flour beetles dangerous?

Confused flour beetles contaminate stored meals with their saliva, feces, and shared skins. Infested with confused flour beetle larvae, stored foods develop a foul odor and taste.

There are a high number of confused flour beetles throughout the United States. Their presence can significantly diminish the quality and value of stored grains, making them a major pest in the agricultural and food storage industries.

Why do I have a confused flour beetle problem?

Confused flour beetles only eat finely ground or damaged starch foods—they cannot consume whole kernels.

Confused flour beetles often contaminate food items such as flour, cereals, cornmeal, seeds, dry pet food, and spices.

These pests enter our homes through a variety of methods, often coming in on products we buy from stores that are already infested with beetle eggs or larvae.

Where will I find confused flour beetles?

Structures that confused flour beetles invade regularly are those that store and prepare food:

  • Food processing facilities
  • Food storage facilities
  • Grocery stores
  • Restaurants
  • Schools
  • Homes

Their diet mostly consists of dry goods that have a high moisture content. Confused flour beetles frequently invade homes, and can be found in kitchens, pantries, basements, or any other area that has dry goods.

How do I get rid of confused flour beetles?

24h Pest Pros is your best option for eliminating confused flour beetles from your house or place of work. We provide our clients with quick response times and peace of mind.

We comprehend how annoying and frightening a bug infestation in a stored pantry might be.

Our experienced professionals will provide the specialized services required to quickly eradicate the current infestation.

They can then implement the necessary routine treatments to prevent future issues with flour beetles and other pests.

Learn why your neighbors choose 24h Pest Pros for their pest management requirements. Connect with us today!

How can I prevent confused flour beetles in the future?

24h Pest Pros can help you prevent problems with confused flour beetles, and by implementing the following prevention tips:

  • Keep your food storage area clean of crumbs and other food waste to prevent attracting confused flour beetles.
  • Make sure to sweep or vacuum your kitchen and pantry floors regularly to prevent crumbs from building up.
  • Never buy dried goods from a store if the packaging is damaged.
  • Flour is one of many items you should avoid purchasing from the bulk food section in your supermarket.
  • Keep all your dry goods stored away in plastic or glass jars with air-tight lids.
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