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Cicada Killers

What are Cicada Killers?

Cicada killers are a huge wasp species. They are highly solitary, with females creating their own nests in the ground. The label "cicada killer" implies that they are far more dangerous than they actually are.

To feed their larvae, female cicada bugs (and other insects) sting and paralyze cicadas (and other insects). As a result of this, the name "cicada killer" was given to them.

A cicada killer wasp's physical characteristics include:

  • The body is red and black, with a yellow band around the abdomen.
  • A head that is reddish-brown in color.
  • Heavily veined wings that are transparent or yellow-tinted.
  • A body that reaches a length of 1 1/2 to 2 inches.
cicada killers


Do you have Cicada Killers in your home or you are not sure? We can handle the identification and get you a solution to your problem quickly.

Cicada Killers Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are cicada killers dangerous?

Cicada killer stings are less common than stings from many other species of stinging insects because they are less aggressive. Males do not have stingers, and females normally only sting when they are directly threatened.

Contact with cicada killers and other stinging insects should be avoided at all costs since their venom is potent enough to cause major health problems in allergic people. Furthermore, being stung is a terrible and painful experience for anyone!

Why do I have a cicada killer problem?

Cicada killers will take advantage of your yard if it has well-drained, loose soil that they may tunnel into and use to build nesting sites.

In our yards, cicada killers are a common occurrence. The open spaces around our house not only provide them with ideal nesting locations but also with lots of insects to seek and bring back to their growing young. Cicada killers, as well as other insects, are attracted to trash cans, gardens, and standing water.

Where will I find cicada killers?

Cicada killers are a species of digger wasp that feeds, breeds, and nests outside. They nest in a variety of locations but prefer sites with direct sunlight near trees. Other popular nesting locations include:

The soil next to sidewalks, patios, or play structures

  • Flower beds
  • Gardens
  • Lawns

How do I get rid of cicada killers?

Even if they aren't particularly aggressive, cicada killers are stinging insects that should be avoided in our yards. The most effective approach to get rid of cicada killers is to hire a professional at 24h Pest Pros.

We take pleasure in providing our clients with timely service and peace of mind. Our specialists will remove cicada killers from your yard without posing a risk to yourself or your family, allowing you to use your outside space once again!

Please contact us if you have any questions regarding our stinging insect control services.

How can I prevent cicada killers in the future?

By collaborating with 24h Pest Pros and executing the following prevention methods, you may avoid problems with cicada killers:

  • Cicada killers are less likely to tunnel through dense patches of grass and soil if you take care of your lawn and keep it well-fertilized.
  • To make your grass less appealing to cicada killer wasps, seed bare areas.
  • When traveling through grassy regions, wear shoes to avoid being stung by a cicada killer wasp or nest.
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