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Carpenter Bees

What are Carpenter Bees?

Carpenter bees are solitary by nature, which is why their name comes from the fact that they bore holes into wood to build their nests. They're a huge species of bee, with adults growing to between 1/2 to 1 1/2 inches long.

Carpenter bees appear to be bumblebees, but their abdomens are black, glossy, and hair-free.

They are black with the exception of males, who may have white or yellow faces. The stinger of a female carpenter bee is long and thin, while that of a male is short and thick.

carpenter bees


Do you have Carpenter Bees in your home or you are not sure? We can handle the identification and get you a solution to your problem quickly.

Carpenter Bees Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are carpenter bees dangerous?

Carpenter bees are a harmful species of bee. Female carpenter bees drill holes in wood to make their solitary nests.

Carpenter bees, on the other hand, usually choose the same site or even a single piece of wood to tunnel into. Over time, this causes significant damage to the wooden structure on which they are nesting.

Carpenter bee colony nests also attract woodpeckers since one of their preferred foods is carpenter bee larvae. However, they will sometimes be found around entrances to nests, pecking at the wood and causing more harm.

They are also stinging insects, so care must be exercised around them. Not only is a female sting unpleasant, but it might also lead to an allergic reaction in certain individuals.

Why do I have a carpenter bee problem?

Carpenter bees are attracted to areas that provide access to ideal nesting sites and are near to food sources (pollen and nectar).

They find these properties appealing since they contain a large number of flowering plants. Carpenter bees like to build their nests in wooden structures, trees, and the wood exteriors of houses.

Where will I find carpenter bees?

Female carpenter bees construct their nests out of wood, particularly unpainted, weather-beaten wood. They choose softwoods like cedar and pine as a result.

A carpenter bee nest may be found in most places where wood is present, including fences, decks, wooden play frames, outdoor furniture, shingles, and roof eaves.

They are nocturnal, flying around their nest openings or blooming plants while looking for food.

How do I get rid of carpenter bees?

The best way to get rid of carpenter bees from your home or company is to contact 24H Pest Pros. We provide fast solutions and peace of mind knowing that your pest issues will be handled promptly and won't resurface.

To eliminate carpenter bees from your properties, our expert pest technicians perform top-quality pest control services utilizing the most up-to-date and effective products.

Find out why your neighbors prefer 24h Pest Pros for their pest control requirements. Give us a call right now!

How can I prevent carpenter bees in the future?

Partner with 24h Pest Pros to prevent carpenter bee infestations, and follow the following prevention tips:

  • Make repairs to your external walls, wood trim, and roofing.
  • Finish the ends of the deck boards with metal flashing.
  • Varnish, stain or paint any wood on your home or on your land that is used to construct wooden constructions.
  • If at all possible, build wooden structures on your land with hardwoods rather than softwoods.
  • Tree stumps, fallen trees, and other superfluous timber should all be removed from your land.
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