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How to Get Rid of Ground Bees Naturally - Fast & Easy Bee Removal

how to get rid of ground bees

In many instances bee is considered a beneficial insect that needs protection. They are a vital pollinating element for the natural environment and can support garden growth and landscaping.

Ground Bees are a wonderful addition to a garden. These tiny insects will fly around your property looking for flowers to pollinate, leaving behind a sticky residue on anything they land on.

If you want to get rid of ground bees once and for all, there are some easy steps that you can take to make it happen!

This blog post will teach you how to get rid of ground bees so they don't become a problem for anyone!

What Are Ground Bees?

Ground Bees

The bees are solitary bees that build their underground nest at the surface of a moist area.

Ground bees are also commonly known by the name mining bees, digger bees, and ground-nesting bees and they're part of the Andrénidae family.

There are more than 4,500 species of ground bees throughout the globe, with most species measuring less than 10 cm in length.

Ground bees are solitary bee groups. It is more convenient to live alone, as queens raise their children alone in their backyard.

Only female grass bees can sting and it is rare for them. It is well known that these people are somewhat docile and would prefer a quiet existence.

What Do Ground Bees Look Like?

The species of bee can be identified by their unique nesting patterns. These bees will create a small mound of dirt that resembles a volcano. The top of the volcano will have a hole that leads to the bee's nest.

Ground bees are usually black or dark brown in color and they have yellow stripes on their abdomen and may look like a honey bee. The female ground bee has a stinger, but they are not aggressive and they will only sting if they feel threatened.

Male ground bees do not have a stinger and they are typically smaller in size when compared to the female bee.

Bee hornets have distinctive hairs that are longer and shorter than those of hornets or wasps. Bees will also have six legs, two antennas, and eyelets. Most of them have mandibles.

Do Ground Bees Sting?

Ground Bees Sting

They are not aggressive, like social bees and wasps. Ground bees will generally ignore people who don't bother them just like sweat bees.

Unlike the males, female ground bees have stingers; however, they will only use them if they feel threatened.

On the other hand, you'll typically see male bees flying around above the nests.

The stinging males are harmless. The most they can do to you is chase you away.

What Type of Ground Bees is Harmful to Your Garden (and You)?

Most types of ground bees are not harmful or dangerous insects to your garden or to you. In fact, they are beneficial because they help with pollination! Ground bees do not sting.

The only type of ground bee that may be harmful is the carpenter bee. Carpenter bees burrow into wood and can cause damage to your house or other wooden structures on your property.

Carpenter bees are usually black in color and they have a yellow band on their abdomen. If you see a bee that looks like this, it is best to leave it alone and call a pest control expert.

Read Also: How To Get Rid of Bees Without Killing Them

Should I Kill Ground Nesting Bees?

No, you should not kill ground-nesting bees but you should try and get rid of ground bee nest! These bees are important for pollination and they will not bother you unless you bother them first.

If you have a nest on your property, it is best to leave it alone and let the bees do their job. If you must get rid of the nest, there are many ways to do it without harming the bees.

If you have an underground nest in your house, you can call an exterminator to have it removed. However, this is not necessary and it will not kill the bees.

What Attracted Ground Bees To Your Yard or Garden?

Ground bees attract flowers and dry vegetation from your yard. Solitary bee species are looking to create a nesting area on wet soil that can be quickly found.

Once this has occurred they cover nests using waterproof linings so bacteria cannot be killed by their baby.

Female bees often seek for their ideal nesting spot in common places around your yard or property.

These old abandoned rodent holes are particularly attractive for ground bees as these offer good habitats.

Signs & Causes of Ground Bee Infestation

ground bee nest

How should I identify a bee problem in my garden? Ground bees find tiny holes and hiding spots about two inches in diameter.

The easiest way to identify a ground bee infestation is by looking at the soil in your backyard.

See the loose but raised dirt in these holes that indicate some excavation in the region is taking place. The hole needs a big enough hole so bees can crawl into it.

Ground bee pests may also be visible. Nonetheless, you may be in remission with some bee holes flying high over you in an adjacent yard.

When a bee is detected it should be taken with caution because it can be quite painful.

How To Get Rid Of Ground Bees Without Killing Them

If you've noticed bees swarming around your yard, don't panic! These are likely ground bees, and while they may be annoying, they pose no threat to you or your family.

The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to get rid of them without harming them. Read on to learn more.

Cover the Nesting Holes

The first step is to find the nesting holes and cover them up. Ground bees typically nest in abandoned rodent burrows, so look for small holes in the ground near trees, stumps, or logs.

Once you've found the holes, simply cover them with a piece of cloth or other material.

This will prevent new bees from entering the nest and will eventually cause the existing bees to leave in search of a new home.

Wet the Soil

Another effective method is to wet the soil around the nest with a hose or watering can. The damp soil will make it difficult for the bees to excavate their nest and they will eventually move on.

Be sure to keep the soil wet for at least a week to give the bees enough time to find a new home.

Sprinkle Cinnamon


Cinnamon is a natural bee repellent that can be used to great effect. Simply sprinkle cinnamon around the perimeter of the nest and the bees will stay away.

You'll need to reapply cinnamon every few days, but this is a cheap and easy way to get rid of ground bees without harming them.

Use Vinegar Spray

Vinegar Spray

Vinegar is another natural bee repellent that you likely already have in your kitchen. Just mix equal parts water and vinegar in a spray bottle and spritz it around the nest.

The smell of vinegar will deter bees and cause them to leave in search of a new home. Be sure to reapply every few days for the best results.

Bottle of Trap with Sweet Soda

Another best way to get rid of ground bees without harming them is to use a bottle trap. You can make your own bottle trap by using a plastic bottle with a sweet soda inside it.

The bees will be attracted by the sweetness of the soda and crawl inside the bottle, but they won’t be able to crawl back out.

Once the bottle is full of bees, you can release them far away from your home.

Mighty Mint Insect Repellent

Mighty Mint Insect Repellent

Another way to get rid of ground bees is to use an insect repellent like Mighty Mint. Mighty Mint is made with 100% natural ingredients and it’s safe for use around children and pets.

It’s also been proven to repel not just bees, but also mosquitoes, ants, and other pests. So if you’re looking for an all-natural solution to your bee problem, Mighty Mint is the way to go.

Burt’s Bees Outdoor Insect Repellent

Burt’s Bees Outdoor Insect Repellent

Another way to get rid of ground bees is to use an insect repellent like Mighty Mint. Mighty Mint is made with 100% natural ingredients and it’s safe for use around children and pets.

It’s also been proven to repel not just bees, but also mosquitoes, ants, and other pests. So if you’re looking for an all-natural solution to your bee problem, Mighty Mint is the way to go.

Pure Peppermint Oil

peppermint oil

Peppermint oil is another natural ingredient that can help repel ground bees and other pests.

Simply mix together equal parts water and peppermint oil in a spray bottle and spritz it around your yard or garden—the strong scent of the peppermint will keep the bees away without harming them.

You can also add a few drops of peppermint oil to a cotton ball and place it near where the bees are coming into your yard—the scent will scare them away while they try to build their nests elsewhere.

6 Home Remedies to Get Rid of Ground Bees

These methods help you remove ground bees if you have a few things at your disposal that you can easily buy or use at a store.

Use Gasoline-Soaked Rage

Make a ball about the size of the ground bee's nest hole and then prepare if you need many holes. Soak it in gasoline and put it inside the cavity to prevent the escape route and ensure “airtightness”.

Gasoline vapor weighs between 3 and 4 tons and travels deep into the cavity where the bees live. If you have several ground bee holes inside your yard you will have them in a very short time.

Make use of masks for handling gasoline vapor - it's dangerous to breathe in. Do this at night, and you will find bee carcasses at night.

Use Dry Ice

Making dry ice involves liquefying carbon dioxide into solid ice with temperatures of -109 degrees F. Place dry ice pellets inside the cavities for nesting.

Do it early at night, when birds are still at their nesting places and are least active. When the dry ice is melted, the gas emits carbon dioxide that sinks down and chokes the bees.

The amount is heavier than oxygen. Usually, dry ice pellets are very small to prevent bees from getting out.

Bayer Tempo Dust Insecticide

Insecticide sprays kill insects at contact when you aim but have little effectiveness when dealing with the ground bees or yellow jackets which can sting when you miss.

The insecticide has dust particles that can pass into your nozzle into burrow areas if necessary to block the insect escape path.

Expect results within a few days. Unlike the diatomaceous earth, tempdus remain effective in humid areas. Results of insecticidal treatment:

Use Bug Zapper

Bug Zapper

A bug zapper can kill ground bee species efficiently. Put the device directly over the hole. Wear longer skirts as a safety measure and keep an eye on the

Zapping device when a job is going on. You can do it at night while the bees nest inside the nests. The majority of bee colonies have one nest.

Ground-nesting bees like yellow jackets live in colonies and they must continue zapping the hole until the clicking noise stops.

Pour or spray with a Homemade Solution

There are several alternatives to homemade ground bee killers: Combine one part vinegar and water with four parts oil in a spray bottle to spray easily.

Liquid dish soaps and vinegar contain the active components, therefore the higher their ratio, the quicker results will appear.

You could even put the solution in the hole with some paper towels for an escape. Spraying might let them escape while spraying will kill them – choose!

Use a Vacuum

A dry or wet vacuum is preferred. Fill a bucket of soap about two inches deep. Extending the Hose and placing the air ducting nozzle on the burrow where bees are nesting.

Hold the nozzle by using tape. When you vacuum a vapor can disturb or encourage bees.

This can be done at night and sucks the bees that are nestling here as well as those returning home. Allow vacuums to run for 15-30 minutes, if necessary.

How to Prevent Ground Bees from Coming Back?

Ground bees love loose soil for its easy tunneling and hole making ability.

Having Ant Hills in your backyard increases the chances that ground bees are a problem because they prefer shadier conditions.

Keeping soil or lawn moist can help to reduce the dry soil ground bees prefer to nest. In addition, the earth bee might dig into abandoned burrows that previously had been dug by rats and other animals.

If you have abandoned nesting places on your property you should fill the holes to protect the nesting areas.

Alternatively, you can plant plants that the bees dislike so they cannot nest in your garden.

When Should You Hire a Professional for Ground Bee Removal?

If you have a large number of ground bees, it might be necessary to hire a professional.

You should also call a professional if the infestation is inside your home or in an area that is difficult to reach.

Professional beekeepers have the proper equipment and experience to remove ground bees quickly and safely.

They will also be able to provide you with advice on how to prevent ground bees from returning in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

What kills ground bees instantly?

There is no one answer to this question because there are a variety of methods that can be used to eliminate ground bees.

Some of the most common methods include using insecticidal sprays, vacuuming, and pouring or spraying a homemade solution.

Does vinegar kill ground bees?

Yes, vinegar can kill ground bees. Vinegar is a common ingredient in many homemade insecticidal solutions.

How long do ground bees stay around?

Ground bees typically stay around for a few days. However, if the infestation is large, it might be necessary to hire a professional to remove them.

Final Thoughts

It doesn't matter if the Bees are in trouble. But the burrowing bee doesn't stay forever and is very valuable to the ecosystem because of its pollinating power.

In general, ground bees aren't aggressive so they leave us alone. However, if you have concerns about your loved one suffering an allergic reaction to ground bees you can consult a pesticide expert.

The team will determine your problem and devise an alternative solution based on your needs.

About The Author:

Meet Mark Calhoun, a seasoned pest control expert in the realm our pest control company. With over 10 years of dedicated experience and Managing Editor. His primary mission is to furnish you with precise and invaluable DIY insights, ensuring your home remains pest-free while aiding you in distinguishing various household pests.
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